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Virgo Mo

Two good news to share! First news…I’m continuing my horoscope series, so 7 more to go:) Here’s my latest illustration of Virgo Mo with lavender-lilac hair.


A bit about Virgo Mo:

She is hard working and organised, a true perfectionist at heart! Gifted with a creative flair, she enjoys creating and surrounding herself with pretty things. Even though she is naturally shy, her gentle charm and wit makes her a loyal friend to keep!


Second news to share…I’m doing a GIVEAWAY! You can win this Virgo Mo art print or one of my Little Mo 5×5 art prints (your choice). Leave a comment and tell me your star sign and suggest a hair colour for my next Horoscope Mo!

I’ll pick a winner (by random) after the weekend, and send you your FREE art print.

To share the Mo love around, just share this link with your friends. As you can see, there are a few shiny “share” buttons that I’ve added to my blog posts down below….so feel free to use the buttons! Cheers for spreading the Mo love and good luck!

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10 Responses to “Virgo Mo”

  1. aDelle Says:

    Hi Helena.
    I am a Libra – nice and balanced (well some days :0))

    As to hair colour – I think as you have the freedom to use colour more freely than you would in reality, how about pink!! Hot Pink!! Yeah.

  2. littlemo Says:

    Beautiful adelle! You know there are some days where I have actually wanted to colour my hair pink…just for fun. I haven’t had the guts to do it…though I’d really like to hehe!!

  3. Starry Says:

    I too, am a libra, and my first thought was a Libra Mo with pink hair. The most hilarious astrology book I ever read was Mystic Medusa’s Field Guide to Astrology. so funny. She said Librans like to make people fall in love with them for sport and had whims of steel.

  4. littlemo Says:

    Hahah Starry, that’s a good one! I’d be intrigued to read that astrology book too! I’m not surprise that Librans have whims of steel..since they are always so diplomatic! :D

  5. Vickie Says:

    Virgo Mo is so sweet (being a virgo hasn’t made me biased, honest). Perhaps white hair? Or pale green?

  6. littlemo Says:

    Hahaha white hair would be interesting! Yes Niina suggested mint green on facebook which sounds like a great colour for one of the Horoscope Mos!

  7. Mich Says:

    I’m a Capricorn :)
    I’d love to see apricot coloured hair.

    Miss Virgo is super sweet, Helena xx

  8. Karen Says:

    I’m a virgo!!!
    Found this about Librans – “Your outgoing nature and love of communicating brilliant ideas to people around you is one of your strengths. You’re rarely at a loss for words … even on your worst day you have the gift of the gab!”
    ….so I think hair colour should be orange! Warm and striking. ;)

  9. Sally Says:

    Oh how lovely Helena!

    I am a Taurus and I always wanted pink hair as a teen, but that doesn’t seem to go? I don’t know, we ARE creative types us bulls you know!!!

    How about lemon or white hair on the next one…?
    S x

  10. Jaz Says:

    Love these little horoscopes! I’m a Virgo :)
    I think the next hair colour should be….green!